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CE marking

​CE marking of NSHEVS elements according to EN12101-2:09.2003 conformity procedure 1
Valid from October 2006 for NSHEVS * (former RWA elements)​

Foundations for the design of RWA systems and elements
Austrian TRVB 125 (issue 2010-05) based on former German DIN 18232
Revised edition of the TRVB 125 approx. November 2013

New arrangements according to EN12101-2:

1) Construction of vertical NSHEVS * is permitted, calculation using the aerodynamic flow rate coefficient
2) CE marking by an accredited certification body
3) External monitoring by an accredited inspection body
4) Compulsory Factory production control FPC ​

The following documents must be established by the manufacturer (processor):
1) Keeping a QM-Manual
2) Declaration of conformity (declaration of the executive management)
3) Conformity marking (with regard to components – not related to projects)
4) Evidence of the own production control (FPC Factory Production Control)
5) Risk assessment in accordance with the Machinery Directive

*) NSHEVS ... Natural smoke and heat ventilation systems​
